Dahlia) presents this documentary and re-enactment film in a
way guaranteed to make the viewer squirm. Robert “Bob
Berdella tortured, sodomised, photographed and murdered six
young men, dismembered them, and put their bagged remains out
with the trash. Bob`s secrets began to emerge the day before
Easter, 1988, when a bloody, naked man escaped Berdella`s home
wearing only a dog collar.Berdella later confessed to killing
six men - sine by lethal injection, some by suffocation. All
suffered tremendous horrors as Berdella would torture them
sexually with electric shocks, inject them with animal
tranquilizers, put bleach in their eyes and inject drain
cleaner in their voice box to keep them from screaming.He
documented these horrors in a detailed torture log and
photographs. What police called torture, Berdella called “my
darkest fantasies becoming reality